Category: Biometric Attendance

Benefits Of Using Biometric Attendance

A biometric attendee system is a very simple yet effective system where individuals are identified by physical or behavioural attributes. A biometric attendee system relies on fingerprint, face recognition, iris, voice, palm and other such unique attributes. The system is extremely useful in workplace situations because it helps identify employees even if they are working on another part of the premises.

These days, most workplaces have at least one system that uses biometric attendance systems. These systems are used to detect inappropriate behaviour, to identify repeat offenders and to prevent theft and fraud. It also helps to keep track of the health and safety needs of employees.

The benefits of using biometric attendance systems are obvious. If you have employees whose behaviour is unacceptable then you will be able to easily identify them and expel them without hiring extra staff.

However, one thing that you need to keep in mind when you are looking for security systems is that the system will only identify employees who are actually present in the workplace. If there are any employees who are absent then you will still need to verify their identity.

It can be an easy task to verify the identity of the employee using a biometric attendance system. All that you need to do is type in the name and address of the person into a search engine and see whether there are any records that match the given details.

There are a number of ways in which this system works. In the initial stages, you will record the employee’s biometric information by inserting the finger into the reader at the back of the reader. It will be possible to do this only once every few months. Then, the system will read the fingerprint and compare it with the information stored.

After that, the system will compare the fingerprints with a list of known identities and give you a positive match or a negative match. If the employee matches, then the system will identify the employee and you will be alerted.

While biometric attendance system are extremely important for your business, you should not rely on just one system. If you are planning to use the system at your place of work, it is recommended that you make use different systems at different places.

For instance, you should consider using two different types of fingerprint scanners at the same time so that there will be a better chance of a match. If you only have a single type of scanner, then you will get the same results twice.

Another option is to use biometric cards at different locations. This will ensure that different employees get the same service even if they do not have the same fingerprints.

Most fingerprint readers are portable. They can also be moved from place to place. and so you can ensure that the fingerprints are captured from different parts of the country.

You can also make use of biometric cards for high risk employees such as teachers, drivers, and security guards. Once the biometric card reader has identified the person, they will get a sticker that identifies the person and they will not be able to enter the building.

The stickers are very popular at schools because they help to keep information secure. Once the person leaves the premises, the system automatically deletes the sticker. With biometric cards, all information about the person will stay on the system until you are ready to change them.

However, if you cannot find the stickers in every school or college, then you can ask your high risk employees to wear wristbands with their name and their fingerprints. This can be an effective way to prevent employees from being able to access their own information.

Apart from high-risk employees, you can also use biometric attendance systems in other areas of your business. For example, you can use these systems in the office premises where all employees have access to the system.

In most cases, you can get the system for free and the stickers are very easy to apply. You will need a simple application form with basic information about the employees, such as their name, address and the date of birth. Once your system is applied, all of the employees will receive a sticker in their name that will identify them.